
Our ultimate goal is to create a memorable experience that will inspire you to try, see, and do something you've never done before. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, take the road less traveled, and support local businesses along the way.

Don't just take our word for it...

See what others are saying about our road trips!

Based on 1137 reviews
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Amazing Gift

Such a smart concept! Can’t wait for more :)

The Taste Trail
Darcie Esau
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!

Explore the shore

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Southwest Quest

A great trip with friends. Our friends were introduced to places and sites they had never been to before despite several prolonged visits to the area.

Thank you so much Alison! We're always so happy to hear when our travelers find new spots and hiddem gems. So glad you and your friends had a great trip!

Riverside Roaming
Suzanne Regimbal
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Great Pace for all!

Relaxing exploration of all things cute and quaint.

Thank you so much Suzanne! 'All things cute and quaint' perfectly sums up this trip! So glad you had a great trip!

Escape to Nature
Breanna Maloney
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
A Sweet Escape

My partner and I did this trip at the beginning of january. The firs three stops were beautiful- picturesque, cozy and each one had various options per stop. Lots of opportunity to stretch your legs, get into nature and enjoy some treats along the way. Unfortunately due to the time of year, we could not partake in the activities suggested for the fourth stop. As well, the shops/stores that were recommended at the fourth were closed that day. We went on a Saturday but I think this was because we went the week following new years. all in all we had a great trip. Would recommend this for folks who enjoy lots of walking, nature and other outdoor activities.

Thank you so much Breanna! I'm going to pass your review along to our Trip Producer to see if there's anything we can do to make the 4th stop more enjoyable for winter travelers :)

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Anniversary Adventure

Purchased this as an anniversary present for a day of adventures and even booked one of the accomodations suggestions (which was lovely).
It was nice to have all of the information in each envelope, we liked how it was set up and enjoyed that all of the stops had multiple places/choices listed and that food options were included. Suggested time to spend at each location was helpful in choosing and the Spotify playlists was a fun addition! We also commend guess where trips on noting the physical accessibility of the stops. This was incredibly helpful and important to us. It is always such a concern that we will get places and not be able to actually enjoy them. We look forward to doing another one soon!

Thank you so much! Happy Anniversary, we're glad we could play a part in such a lovely day :)

Looking forward to the adventure

Hidden Gems of Huronia
Brianne Whiteside
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Great gift!

Bought this as a gift for my grandparents. They loved it!

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Purchased as a gift

I bought this trip as a gift for my sisters in law. They loved it! I can’t wait to buy a trio for myself next.

Vistas & Caves
Megan Melling
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Highly Recommend!

The perfect outing for a unique girls day!

Riverside Roaming
Alexandra Carter
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Great day trip

This was the perfect road trip for my husband and I. We really enjoyed the mix of activities - both indoor and outdoor. We made for such a peaceful and relaxing today together.

A Riverside Ramble
Beth Emmerich-Ilecki

This was so much fun. This was a birthday present for my 25 year old. We did it as an overnight. We tried doing everything in each envelope. We ran out of time. Some of the stops were closed for the season. I loved some of the restaurants and shops offered a discount. It would be nice to have a list of things to do at night and dinner restraunts. There is also a cute game shop at stop 2 and a candy shop that was on food network. Life size chocolate work. Just a nice mention for families. If your staying over night purchasing a game is something family friendly

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!

It really was such a great experience! Maybe an adventure more for in the warmer seasons!

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Gorgeous scenery and lovey memories <3

My partner and I had a wonderful time exploring the areas we were sent towards; each place had its own charm and soared above our expectations. We'll both look back on our adventure fondly for a long time to come.

That's so lovely to read, thank you Jacqui!!

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!

Great trip!

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Great road trip!

Such a great trip with so many unique finds

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Perfect Gift

I loved everything about this trip! It was such a fun way to spend a day. I loved it so much, I bought 2 more for family and friends to try!

Thank you so much, Emma! We're so glad you had such a great time and that you're sharing the fun with family and friends! Happy travels!

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
A Fun Adventure!

I bought this trip as an adventure that I could do with my two good friends. We are pretty busy in our lives but decided to take a break for a day and do this trip and I'm so glad we did. All of the stops were places I had never been before and probably wouldn't have known about if I had not chosen this trip. It was such a fun way to bond and make memories. I would highly recommend this trip! So much to see and do!

We're so happy to hear this! Coordinating with friends when you all have busy lives can be a challenge, and it makes us so happy that you chose to spend the day together on a Guess Where Trip!

All Things Merry & Bright
Wendy McCully
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Loved This Festive Trip

This is my sixth Guess Where Trip!

I did this one in early December and had a fantastic time, as usual. I'm glad I read the "before you go" information for one optional little activity.

I thought I knew this area pretty well, having driven some of these roads before, but was still surprised by the first stop, which was new to me. This is one of my favourite things about Guess Where Trips - finding new little treasures in my own backyard. I also appreciate going home with a trunk full of goodies, knowing that I've supported local independent businesses.

My next GWT is already planned for the spring, and I can't wait.

Thank you so much, Wendy! We love hearing that we were able to surprise you despite your knowledge of the area - that's our favourite thing to do :)

Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure, happy travels!

Old Florida Trail
Julie Schwartzentruber
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Old Florida Trail

My daughters and I did this trip in December. We have a rental vacation home in Davenport and have placed it in our home for others to enjoy as well. We enjoyed seeing more to Florida then Disney/Universal. The locations are a fair distance drive from Davenport, however it was a great time to spend some quality time with my girls.

Escape to Nature
Danielle Smith
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Such a great gift!

Absolutely loved receiving this as a gift, all the stops were great.

From Country to Coast
Taylor Jolicoeur
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!

From Country to Coast

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Always a good time but...

We love Guess Where trips; however, we were a bit disappointed with this one. The Before you Go package said the trip can be done anytime of year and specified which days are best. We picked a day of the week within range. We arrived at our first stop, which was brief, and unfortunately the second stop we couldn't do anything because the museum was closed mid January until April. This wasn't specified in the Before you Go package. There was an option for a lunch stop but it was way too early for lunch and we had just filled up at the cafe from stop one. There were also a lot of restrictions with some of the outdoor areas on stop 4 due to weather. In my opinion to be able to take full advantage of this trip it cannot be done anytime of year.

Backroad Bliss
Sandy Ochoski
Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Perfect Gift

We bought the Backroad Bliss package for our son’s birthday in December. He and his fiancé were thrilled and made arrangements to stay over at the final stop. They’ve always enjoyed exploring the area and liked that your package took care of the planning. They enjoyed the experience so much that they plan to go back in the spring and have also purchased other packages.

Overall, how would you rate this trip?:
I would not recommend this trip
Excellent! I would definitely recommend this trip
Rate how active the trip was:
Not very active
Very active
Rate how accessible the trip was:
Not very accessible
Very accessible
Rate how 'unique' the stops were:
Not really
Yes, very unique!
Close to Home but Out of the Ordinary

What I loved about this trip was that we were generally familiar with all the areas but had never taken the time to appreciate them. There were a couple of recommendations that we had been meaning to check out for a long time, so it was a perfect opportunity to do so. We loved discovering local shops, eateries, breweries, and all the other suggested stops. The discounts and offers were a bonus.
Ideal for lovers of good food and good brews.